3 Dietary Supplements For Kids Who Are Picky Eaters

In general, most people should try to get the nutrients that they need from their food before resorting to supplements. However, if you're the parent of a picky eater, you know that telling your child to eat foods that they hate because it's good for them isn't likely to accomplish much. Most kids will grow out of their finicky eating habits eventually, but in the meantime, it can be hard to make sure that they get all the nutrients their growing bodies need. Supplements can be an effective way to help keep your child healthy and avoid a power struggle over the dinner plate. Take a look at some of the top dietary supplements for picky eaters.


Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in oily fish like tuna, sardines, and salmon, as well as in some other foods, like flaxseed. Omega-3s are important for your child's brain and eye development and may lower their risk of some conditions like ADHD.

Fish is high on the list of foods that many kids, especially finicky ones, find very hard to swallow. Ideally, they should be getting several servings of fish every week, but if there's no way that your little one will trade their peanut butter and jelly for a tuna fish sandwich, fish oil supplements can give them the Omega-3s that they need for proper development. The supplements are available in liquid, soft gel, or gummy forms. Be aware that some formulations may taste fishy – look for high-quality flavorless or citrus-flavored supplements.

Beta Glucan

Beta glucan is a type of fiber that can be found in fungi, yeasts, and bacteria. It can also be found in some cereal grain brans, but it's probably not going to show up in the brightly-colored sweet cereals that kids are attracted to.

Beta glucan supplements help the immune system work more efficiently, and it can help alleviate allergy symptoms and respiratory disorders. It's also a healthy dietary fiber that can reduce your child's risk of obesity, which can improve and protect their health in the long term.


Magnesium, like calcium, plays an important role in helping children develop strong bones. But while many packaged foods are fortified with additional calcium, the same is not true for magnesium. The most reliable sources of magnesium are dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and nuts – all foods that many picky children avoid.

Magnesium is also important for your child's muscle and nerve function, and low magnesium levels are associated with poor sleep and hyperactivity. If getting your child to eat a plate of vegetables is impossible, magnesium supplements can be a good solution. You can find magnesium in liquid or powder form, and it can be easily mixed in with a beverage.

If your child's diet is limited, it's important to talk to their pediatrician about the appropriate supplements that they need. Supplements can ensure that your child gets the nutrients they need during the most critical stages of their development. 
